Our working method and the benefits for our clients
Compared to translation agencies, L&D traduzioni giuridiche uses a completely innovative working method, based on the collaboration between the two partners, who combine their knowledge and put this to work in a single project. The objective is to achieve a final product resulting from the perfect merging of the two professional skills: the translator/interpreter’s technique and the lawyer’s consulting skills
The translator/interpreter’s technique and the lawyer’s consulting skills
Only a translator/interpreter is used to continually dealing with texts and speeches in different languages, comparing them from a practical and functional viewpoint. He knows how to manage the language and translation resources available in the quickest and most effective way. The translator guarantees that the work is executed in the quickest way possible thanks to his extensive experience, and more importantly, his specific training in rendering the text in the most effective way in terms of terminology, syntax and semiotics.
Only a lawyer knows the exact meaning of legal concepts and how to contextualise them in the appropriate reference system. He knows the specific requirements of legal firms, the linguistic conventions and syntax structures used by writers of legal texts, as well as the most effective way of conveying the meaning of a foreign legal concept, which does not always have an exact equivalent in another jurisdiction. The complete usability of the final product is therefore guaranteed.
The final product: translations, interpreting and training
The final product is always the result of the contribution provided by both partners to this project. The objective is ensuring the best equivalence in terms of content and the most effective wording in linguistic terms.
In order to achieve this result, as for legal translations, every text provided by the client is not simply translated, but it is analysed, cross-checked, proof-read twice and contextualised by referring to legal texts, codes and reference material from the two legal systems involved, so that any differences and common features can be identified. It should be kept in mind that different languages fit into different regulatory contexts, characterised by structures and concepts that cannot always be readily transposed. Any interpreting assignment is prepared in advance by means of an in-depth study of the relevant subject-matter with the lawyer’s support. In terms of courses and seminars on legal translation, the method is based on the combination of the skills of both trainers, while the programmes of individual Legal English courses are designed by both partners of L&D traduzioni giuridiche.
Via Balduccio da Pisa, 10
20139 – Milan
E-mail: ld@ld-traduzionigiuridiche.com
Phone: +39 0273955445
Luca Canuto
Tax ID: 02875010965
Dario Mazzardo
Tax ID: 05594720962